Eclipse Shortcuts Cheat Sheet

Coding AdT is great, and not having to touch a mouse also is.
So I’ll list some cool shortcuts I use.

But not knowing how to do something (with the keyboard), makes me feel bad, powerless, and frustrated.
So I’ll also list some things I don’t know yet, but (hopefully) will find out!

Shortcut Ctrl+Z Ctrl+Y Ctrl+X Ctrl+C Ctrl+V Delete Ctrl+A Ctrl+F Ctrl+K Ctrl+Shift+K Ctrl+J Ctrl+Shift+J Ctrl+Shift+Insert Ctrl+ I Ctrl+Space Ctrl+Shift+Space Ctrl+Shift+F Ctrl+Shift+N Ctrl+/ Ctrl+ I Description Create New Project, Folder Close Current Editor C ose All Editors or File Eclipse CDT 6.0 Cheat Sheet Cheat Sheet vo.l.

Eclipse Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat Sheet

Let’s go:

List of Shortcuts for the Eclipse Java IDE Here’s a cheat sheet of Eclipse shortcuts I’ve put together to help me work really fast with the IDE. The shortcuts have been categorized into two sections – one that most people know about, and another section that contains the lesser known ones. This cheat sheet is aimed at people with some experience in eclipse but who may not be aware of many of its features. SHORTCUTS These are some of the most useful shortcuts in eclipse.

Highly useful AdT shortcuts

ctrl+shift+n = new object

ctrl+shift+a = open object

F3 = open definition

shift+F3 = activate
ctrl+shift+F3 = activate all inactive

shift+f1 = pretty printer

alt+shift+w = open with
+ arrow down + enter = project explorer -> get the focus to project explorer, e.g. to navigate through source-hierarchy

Ctrl+Shift+L => show all shortcuts “That’s where I hope to find answers to the following!)


What I dearly miss (not know yet)

[Edit: meanwhile, some of them are known, see edit at the end of this blog!)]

How do I:

Eclipse Shortcuts Cheat Sheet

* Set the focus back to the editing area, when I lost it somehow
* Navigate to problems-view tab ” -> bind ctrl+P to it;
* and set focus on the error-line, so I can unfold it “-> just use arrows then
* How do I move through tabs?
* 1 by 1 “-> ctrl+tab
* direct, e.g. 1st, 2nd, last (=n);
if possible also: n-1, n-2, n-m.

This blog is part of a learning-strategy:
(or is it a #LearHack?! ;-))

If I don’t know something, I write it down. (+publish, in this case).
Then I keep on trying to find out.
If I do find out I’ll add answers to my question.


Cheat Sheet For Keyboard Shortcuts

Eclipse shortcuts cheat sheet pdfSheet

Mac Shortcuts Cheat Sheet Pdf


Eclipse Shortcut Cheat Sheet

Here’s the answers we (=the SAP Community) have found so far:

Word Shortcuts Cheat Sheet

* Set the focus back to the editing area, when I lost it somehow “-> ctrl+Q (last edit location)
* Navigate to problems-view tab ” -> map to Ctrl+P, see comment from Sandra Rossi
* and set focus on the error-line, so I can unfold it -> just use arrow-down then
* move through tabs: 1 by 1 “-> Ctrl + PageDown / PageUp